Sunday, December 22, 2013
Dear Tom.....
From the keyboard of UnknownSaturday, June 29, 2013
8 Days Post Op
From the keyboard of UnknownHere it is 8 days post op and I'm feeling pretty awesome!
Surgery was last Thursday. My doctor
went in laparoscopically to examine me but couldn't even tell what she
was looking at. My uterus, ovaries and bowel were melded together. She
ended up cutting me open on my C-section scar and calling in the general
surgeon for assistance.
When they opened me up, the surgical
team gasped and said, "Was she in a lot of pain?!" Turns out I DID have
endometriosis and the scar tissue from this had overtaken my organs
which explained my constant pain and debilitating back pain. She also
found a huge cyst that was twisted around my left ovary and said that it
probably had been non-functioning for quite awhile.
She had my fiance paged as soon as she
opened me up and he said his heart dropped and he started sweating. The
surgery was only supposed to take an hour and a half and it had only
been maybe an hour. He thought something had gone wrong and the first
thing he noticed was my doctor's shoes splattered with my blood.
It turned into a 3-hour procedure and
they only left an ovary. They cleaned out the scar tissue as best they
could and she said I should not be in pain anymore after I am done
healing. She couldn't believe that the last doctor had not done any
exploratory surgery to find out why I was in so much pain - even when I
mentioned I thought I had endometriosis.
Recovery was rough. That entire day
after the surgery I slept in between getting my vitals taken every four
hours, my hemoglobin checked every three hours and the alarms going off
on my IV machine. I lost a lot of blood and had to have two infusions
which was a first for me. I dreaded the next day because I knew I would
have to get out of bed and it wasn't going to be easy or fun. But...we
made it through. I wasn't allowed to go home until Sunday and I was so
Sitting here at home and not being
allowed to do anything except walk and rest is extremely hard and
painful for me. I find it really ironic that I have complained that I
have no free time because I work full-time and go to school
full-time......and here I sit. All the time in the world and I'm so
bored! God has a strange sense of humor. Be careful what you ask for!
Friday, June 28, 2013
The line has been drawn.....
From the keyboard of UnknownTuesday, June 11, 2013
From the keyboard of UnknownHow quickly things change. Not even a month ago I was determined to press forward and live with the pain. Today.....I'm losing sleep over the upcoming surgery.
The pills worked for one week. I'm not even going to go into what I've been putting up with for the past few weeks. I just realized that I can't live like this any more. So I went back to the doctor and my hysterectomy is scheduled for June 20th.
I'm excited to be done with the agony but nervous as hell. Mostly because we aren't sure yet if she'll be able to do it laparoscopically or, once she gets in there, will need to open me up. I've had a C-section before and do NOT want to do that again. Ever.
I can't sleep at night because I'm going over everything I need to get done by Wednesday of next week. Finals are next week so I need to get my work turned in early. Michaela's shower is two days after my surgery and I need to have everything ready for that. Gotta get the fridge and cabinets stocked so my son can cook for me while I'm laid up. (Ought to be interesting). There's things at work to get done and people to train. Aaaaargh! My mind won't shut down!
Add all of that to the fears I have for this surgery and it equals no sleep! I don't know why I'm so flipping nervous about this surgery. I've had plenty of others but this one in particular is doing a job on my sanity.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
One Step Forward....Five Steps Back
From the keyboard of UnknownLast year, I had to put the entire year of race
plans on hold due to severe and constant pelvic pain. For a few days
each month it was so intense that it would cause me to begin blacking
out. I went to the OB/ GYN (two, actually) and had blood tests, several
exams and ultrasounds done. She finally told me that all of my pain
would be cured by having a NovaSure procedure. This is where they take a
wand-like device, place it inside the uterus and burn the inside. It is
supposed to cause scarring and stop the bleeding (which wasn't even
really my issue.)
I was so desperate to be pain free and
feel normal again that I finally agreed. She's been my OB/GYN for almost
ten years. I trusted her. So I had the procedure done last August. Easy
peasy. And she was right! The pain was GONE! For about two months. Then
it slowly started creeping back in.
Now, nine months post op, I am in constant
pain once again. I made an appointment with a different doctor,
different facility. She looked over the medical records I had
transferred to her and noticed that during the last ultrasound they had
found that I had adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus). She
said, "Didn't they tell you the NovaSure procedure will not help this
at all? The pain will only return." I was flabbergasted and very angry.
The doctor who performed the surgery hadn't even TOLD me they had
discovered this.
It all boils down to - the only cure for this is a
hysterectomy. My heart dropped. I have too much going on this year to have it done. So we decided to try progesterone
only pills to try and alleviate the pain until we can schedule my
surgery next year. Are they helping? Yes and no. The pain is still there
but it is not so bad that I'm blacking out. And I've even had one
entire week without pain this month! There is hope!
So...Once again, the race schedule I so carefully planned this
year has been placed aside. I am frustrated beyond belief. So far, we only have one event scheduled -
The Mud Games!! I can't wait. We're doing it as a family. Hopefully, my
son, fiance and I will hit up a few 5Ks, also, but everything else is on the back burner.
For now, I'm sticking with my eating and training plan so that I will be fit and strong which will help my body recover faster.
Peace & Love!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
STFU? I Don't Think So.
From the keyboard of UnknownI yelled out a triumphant, "Yes!" when I ran across this article. It's so validating to hear someone else say what I've been saying and feeling.
So, last month my brother removed me from his life. Never in a million years did I ever think that would happen but, truthfully, saw it coming. Ever since Dad was arrested and the truth became public knowledge, it's been on a slow boil. I knew he was having trouble with it but he did what he needed to in order to survive through the hell we as a family faced - buried it. He also became a rock for me when I was interviewed by the police, fell apart while Dad was jailed, watched him plead "Guilty" and then when I faced him in court and read my victim impact statement. I love him for that. We were all suffering, falling apart and completely lost. Yet he held it together long enough to see me through the first phase.
He has very little information or insight on what I've lived through since then. He knows the basics: flashbacks, nightmares, therapy, support groups, anxiety and the list goes on and on. But none of my family knows exactly what the last 5 years have held for me. In fact, my kids know more than my siblings because they lived through most of it with me. I knew we were all fighting our battles which is one reason I didn't talk with my siblings about it. But it was also all I could do to make it through my own garbage.
My fiance knows it all and he's the only one that does.
- The ugly details of the abuse and our dysfunctional family
- Nightmare upon nightmare night after night
- Needing to sleep with the lights on and a knife under my pillow
- Anxiety so bad that I withdrew from everyone
- Depression so dark and debiliating that I prayed and begged God to let me die. I will never forget the look on my fiance's face the nights he sat up and watched over me because he was afraid to leave me alone.
- Trigger after trigger after trigger - never knew what would set me off, bring back a memory, set off a flashback. It could be a smell, an expression on someone's face, the feeling of was hell.
- The complete breakdown of our intimate life
- Crying, screaming, absolutely shutting down on a daily basis
- The exhaustion of therapy and processing through memories, lies, feelings every week for the past 5 years
For you to ask me to be silent AGAIN because you refuse to deal with your own issues - is just like abusing me all over again.
When my brother removed me from his life my reaction shocked me and reaffirmed to me just how far I've come. I didn't cry and flip out. I didn't obsess over it. I simply took a deep breath and reminded myself that THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME. It's all about HIM.
Darlene writes:
"The biggest reason that people persuaded me not to talk about child abuse and dysfunctional family stuff was either because THEY didn’t want to be exposed or because they knew that if they sided with me or even if they validated me, then they would have to face their own dysfunctional family stuff. They were not trying to help me live a better life in freedom and wholeness with their “just let it go” directives.
Were they really telling me to accept that people messed with my head, discounted and devalued me, took advantage of me, taught me that something was “wrong with me”, abused, mistreated and objectified me, and telling me that I should just “get over it”? In that dysfunctional recovery system, everyone endorsed “keeping the silence” and no one wanted to talk about spending some time actually validating the dysfunction first."
It is so hard to face the dysfunction of your own family, to try to reprogram the false beliefs you've been fed and weed through the decades of lies you thought were real. It's painful. It's exhausting. It's easier to close your eyes and pretend none of it exists and nothing has changed. I get it.
But do not ever tell me to STFU about my story. It's not going to happen. I will speak my truth, I will tell my story and I will continue to help others find their own voice. I've always put others and my family first before I even considered myself. No more. I'm now choosing what's best for me, looking out for me and taking care of me. I'm sorry if you have a problem with that. You need to open your eyes when you stand in front of that mirror - it holds all the truth you need.
Just like Darlene said -
"I will speak my truth. I will tell my story. Look at my life today! I am free. I am living a full and happy life bursting with wholeness and freedom in the sunlight of the truth and no longer in the shadow of the lie. The fact that they are not happy for me is actually more proof of the dysfunctional system they live in. Like crabs in a bucket, clambering over each other to get out but only pulling each other back down because really, no one wants another little crab to escape into freedom if the darkness of the bucket is the fate of the rest. Well too bad for them. I finally stood up to them and stood up for me. I finally chose ME over them. I escaped. I don’t live in that darkness anymore and it feels GREAT to have the sun on my face!"
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Yes, It's about You.
From the keyboard of UnknownHmmmm....I'm not really sure why my entry titled, "Dear Miss K" is so popular. It's my second MOST viewed blog post for all time and THE most read one this month.
I'm so confused.
So let me just clear the air and unveil the person who inspired that entry.
Yes, it is you, Kelly.
We have known each other almost our entire lives and yet I've never been able to trust you. You lied about everything when we were kids and even when I'd catch you - you'd "find" your way out.
As an adult I had to cut off our friendship - a term I use loosely- not once, but TWICE. You continued to lie to me, try to control me, stalk me and bad mouth me. You lied to me about your husband being killed in an ice storm....WHO DOES THAT?! You went behind my back and told my friends and customers every detail of my divorce. They were actually TRUE friends and told me about it because they were disgusted by you.
Then when I decide to let you back in my life -simply because I was an idiot- you tell everyone about the hell I was going through from my dad being arrested and the horrors I was having to deal with in therapy because of what he did to me. That wasn't your fucking story to tell - FIRST OF ALL.
SECONDLY - You were a shitty friend to make jokes to my face about me being sexually abused.
Then - you began (actually, always have) to tell lies about each of us to each other, spill our secrets, and bad mouth us to each other. You are full of drama and nothing else.
Now you keep in touch with my mom and supposedly gather your information about my life that way. How's that working for you? I don't suppose she's told you that she's not part of my life and knows nothing about what is happening in it? Quit trying to contact me - quit texting me! I don't want anything to do with you or any of the trouble, drama and nastiness you bring.
I have moved on and worked my ass off becoming whole and healed from my past. I choose to live positively and refuse to let anything that doesn't serve a good and higher purpose into my life. You are included in the banned list.
Please make a note of that. Thanks.
Oh - and one other thing. A few years ago, there was someone else that would continually whine to her husband believing that she was the object of my FB posts and some blogs. When I'd tell him that she wasn't and explain who they were about - she wouldn't believe me. Well, get over yourself. I was telling the truth about who and what I was writing about. It was never about you and the initial K was never yours. So now the mysteries are solved.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Innocence Revolution
From the keyboard of UnknownToday is the day!! This is the organization I have been a part of and it's our 1st official launch! It is a non-profit organization run strictly by an all-volunteer force and we are holding WORLDWIDE events today to end child sexual abuse. I am thrilled to be a part of something so amazing, selfless and live changing. Remember - the power to stop abuse starts with YOU.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Never Be Bullied Into Silence
From the keyboard of Unknown
I ran across an excellent letter ( written by a pastor in response to his mother-in-law’s comments on her daughter’s abuse at the hands of her father – he describes perfectly the traits of the abuser, the denier and the victim, all found within an abusive family.
His mother-in-law talked about her daughter “dredging up old, dead history.” And goes on to say, “I call it carrying an offense and not getting healed or forgiving. Isn’t it about time that you take it to the cross and leave it there? Why do you want to carry that stuff in your heart?”
Pastor Don stated, “That’s but one example from many that fit the profile of a Denier. The responses of Deniers are designed to protect the Abuser and are often completely self-involved and ignorant. They show a lack of compassion for their children and a selfish focus on their own lives. Deniers are masters of offering trite phrases in response to pain. “Don’t dwell on it,” “Let bygones be bygones,” “Forgive and forget,” and “You can’t change the past” are common platitudes deniers deliver when confronted with sexual abuse.”
He goes on, “Victims care for the emotional needs of the Deniers. When they are children, this is a matter of survival, but the trait becomes ingrained and carries over into adulthood. In Christina’s life, she protected your emotional well-being by trying to be the perfect daughter and by pretending to be happy so your peace would not be disturbed. That continued even into adulthood when she sought to spare your feelings.”
You, as a Survivor, must remember who you are. You are worthy of love, respect, kindness and compassion. When family members or friends come at you spewing ugly accusations – stop. Take a deep breath. Remember that their anger, complacency and denial come from a point of fear. Fear of the truth they already know. Fear of dealing with their own feelings towards the abuse. Fear of having to let go of what they have known and venturing into unknown territory. Fear of facing their own demons. They want you to be silent again because it feels SAFE for them. It’s what they KNOW. Don’t take it upon yourself to try and “fix” them or help them. Not only will that blow up in your face, but you can’t help someone who isn’t ready. Every person must find their own path for healing and in their own time.
You don’t owe anything to anyone except YOURSELF.
You owe it to yourself to continue to speak out. For in using your voice, you not only continue to heal yourself but help others who can’t yet speak.
You owe it to yourself to set boundaries to protect your physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
You owe it to yourself to form healthy, supportive relationships and friendships that will enable you to grow and find yourself.